The Assembly passed 27 bills in its next-to-last session before its budget break Thursday, concluding by approving various budget-balancing moves announced in January by Gov. Jon Corzine. It also advanced a group of bills aimed at changing the rules for teen drivers.
Ten of the passed bills next head down the hall to Gov. Jon Corzine. Among those were proposals to implement some of Corzine's budget-balancing measures for the current spending plan, including a $75M cut in school aid that would only be effective if separate legislation (which might not pass) is enacted allowing local governments to defer half of their 2009 pension payment; revise restrictions on "probationary" drivers under age 21, plus require such drivers to display decals on their car so police can identify who's driving; and allow wind or solar facilities on industrial plots of land at least 20 acres in size.
Other bills relating to transportation still needing multiple approvals in the Senate before they could become law were also scheduled for votes -- such as no plea deals for drivers on graduated licenses (passed); expanded requirements for learner's permits (passed); letting truckers use CBs or two-way radios without running afoul of New Jersey's ban on hand-held cell phones (passed); and doing away with New Jersey's vast array of special license plates in favor of a decal system (amended, not yet approved).
Along the way, the Assembly stopped to honor a colleague who's departing the Legislature. Just over a half-hour later, they're finally wrapping up their kind words for Doug Fisher, the 3rd District Democrat who's not actually leaving state government, he's just moving to the executive branch as secretary of the Department of Agriculture. They will see him often, including at a budget hearing this month or next. But it's sort of like the last day of high school, but instead of signing his yearbook, everyone says their BFFs and KITs aloud.
No vote was called on a proposal (amended and amended again on the floor since this fiscal estimate was done) to allow Elizabeth and Newark to impose a municipal tax of up to 5 percent on car rentals at Newark Liberty International Airport, with proceeds going to fund redevelopment activities. It would also allow surcharges on parking and admission tickets to the Prudential Center to pay for senior and youth health and recreation programs. The cities could sell bonds that would be repaid through that revenue. In all, four of the 31 bills on today's docket were held.
Full results of the votes on the day's bills are below the jump.
- -- A1408: Revises statutes regarding acupuncturists; criminalizes unauthorized practice of acupuncture. PASSED 76-0-1.
- -- A2438: Increases cap for underground storage tank remediation grants to independent colleges. PASSED 70-4-4.
- -- A2507: Authorizes BPU to use Retail Margin Fund monies to provide grants for combined heat and power production, energy efficiency projects and programs promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency; makes an appropriation. PASSED 78-0-0.
- -- A2550: Permits location of certain wind and solar facilities in industrial zones. PASSED 62-14-2. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- S15/A3650: Amends the Fiscal Year 2009 appropriation act to implement certain components of the Executive's plan to offset shortfalls in State revenues. PASSED 44-31-2. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- S16/A3070: Revises certain restrictions on permit holders and provisional driver's licensees; renames provisional license "probationary." PASSED 78-0-0. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- S2146/A2309: Requires assisted living facilities to have defibrillator on site and employees trained to use defibrillator. PASSED 78-0-0.
- -- S2188/A1642: Changes riparian land grant and lease process and amends various parts of statutory law. PASSED 77-0-0.
- -- S2314/A3069/2089: "Kyleigh's law;" requires holders of special learner's permits, examination permits, and provisional driver's licenses to display certain decals. PASSED 78-0-0. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- SJR33/AJR123: Designates March of each year as "Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness Month." PASSED 78-0-0.
- -- A3360: Establishes the Troops to College Program in the Commission on Higher Education to assist veterans in making the transition into the college classroom. PASSED 78-0-0. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- A3480: Permits New Jersey Historic Trust to charge fees for publications and access to seminars; permits Trust to become tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. PASSED 66-12-0.
- -- A114: Requires notice of development applications be given to residential tenants on that property. PASSED 78-0-0.
- -- A678: Concerns overpayments to public utilities. PASSED 78-0-0. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- A866: Clarifies definition of "primary care" in Primary Care Physician and Dentist Loan Redemption Program to include practice of geriatrics. PASSED 77-0-0.
- -- A2144/274: Prohibits application of certain temporary "black" or "blue" henna tattoos. PASSED 74-2-0.
- -- A2484: Designates bridge carrying State Highway Route No. 9 over Throckmorton Street in Freehold Township as "Corporal Philip A. Reynolds Memorial Bridge." PASSED 78-0-0. Casagrande release.
- -- A2519: Establishes "New Jersey Colon Cancer Research Fund;" provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns. PASSED 78-0-0. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- A3067: Prohibits plea agreements for motor vehicle violations by drivers subject to the Graduated Driver Licensing law. PASSED 55-11-11. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- A3068: Expands requirements for special learner's and examination permits. PASSED 76-0-2. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- A3084: Exempts use of citizen's band and two-way radios by operators of commercial motor vehicles from prohibition on use of hand-held wireless telephone or electronic communication devices while driving. PASSED 78-0-0.
- -- A3433: Changes petition filing date for Board of Fire Commissioners. PASSED 75-0-1.
- -- A3711: Makes Housing Assistance and Recovery Program effective immediately. PASSED 52-24-2. Assembly Dems' release.
- -- AJR71: Designates March of each year as "Childhood Obesity Prevention Month" in New Jersey. PASSED 78-0-0.
- -- AJR75: Declares April of each year as "Bipolar Disorder Awareness Month. PASSED 78-0-0.
- -- AJR115: Designates March of each year as "Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month." PASSED 78-0-0.
- -- AR173: Memorializes Congress and the President to pass "Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act of 2009." PASSED 78-0-0.
- -- A1588: Requires developers to offer solar energy systems in certain new home construction.
- -- A2765: Authorizes certain municipalities to impose and securitize a motor vehicle rental tax funding certain redevelopment activities, and to impose parking and ticket surcharges at certain facilities to fund senior and youth health and recreation purposes.
- -- A3691: Makes various changes related to casino service industry licensing, casino service employees, testing of gaming devices, casino simulcasting, and unclaimed casino obligations.
- -- A3713: Establishes decal system in place of special license plates.